
Business Workforce

Wellness programs are not just about dodging burnout and increasing profits; they are about building a culture where employees feel a sense of belonging, are encouraged to take care of their physical and mental health, and believe their leaders trust them.

According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), 41% of employers provide wellness resources and information, aiming to promote a healthier, more productive work environment and reduce healthcare costs.

The Harvard Business Review states that the return on investment (ROI) on comprehensive, well-run employee wellness programs can be as high as 6 to 1, with companies reaping lower costs, greater productivity, and higher morale.

These programs make employees feel appreciated and valued, leading to improved morale, higher productivity, and reduced stress. They also contribute to lower healthcare costs, greater productivity, and improved retention and recruitment for employers.

Wellness programs not only improve the health and well-being of employees but also yield significant benefits for employers in terms of cost savings, productivity, and employee satisfaction.

Here are some specific benefits:

For Employees

1. Improved Health

Wellness programs encourage healthier habits, such as smoking less, eating better, exercising more, and managing stress

2. Increased Engagement & Productivity

Employees experience boosted engagement, reduced stress, and higher productivity

3. Alleviated Stress

These programs help in reducing stress, leading to a healthier and more balanced lifestyle

For Employers

1. Lower Healthcare Costs

Well-executed programs can reduce healthcare costs and contribute to a more productive work environment

2. Greater Productivity

Companies experience greater productivity and lower absenteeism due to employee health improvements.

3. Improved Retention & Recruitment

Wellness programs support employee retention and recruitment, making them essential for employers.

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A survey found that 79% of employees believed their company’s well-being programs helped them be as productive as possible
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Sixty-three percent of employers who offer wellness programs reported increased financial sustainability and growth
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More than 9 in 10 workers say they feel more motivated at their job if their leaders support well-being efforts
These statistics highlight the positive impact of wellness programs on both employees and employers, including increased productivity, financial sustainability, and reduced healthcare costs.