
2023 Transformation Challenges: Hit Your New Year’s Fitness Goals

Picture of Katie Houston

Katie Houston

Adventurer, scientist, yogi | co-founder of FytFeed

Why Do New Year's Resolutions Fail?

It’s that time of year when people start setting goals for the New Year. We all go into the new year with excitement and enthusiasm for a fresh start and a clean slate, but quickly, our New Year’s dreams become just that… a dream. 

The #1 New Year’s Resolution in the US in 2021 was “doing more exercise or improving my fitness” followed by “losing weight” from a poll by Statista.  Unfortunately, it takes less than 32 days for an average person to break their resolutions, according to a poll highlighted in the New York Post.  Surprisingly, two of the top reasons for failure are setting unrealistic goals and not keeping track of progress.

Don’t become a part of that statistic. FytFeed makes your goals realistic, achievable, and fun.

When we set goals like “drop 20 pounds”, we often get discouraged if we don’t see the scale moving.  By setting goals based on controllable actions, we are much more likely to succeed. Yes, it takes discipline to stick to our goals, but through community encouragement and accountability, those goals become part of a community effort—and a fun one at that. To kick off 2023, FytFeed is offering 2 FREE challenges based on building a well-balanced and sustainable lifestyle.

New Year, New Ways of Viewing Success

According to the World Health Association, adults should perform at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week.  To kick off the New Year, FytFeed is running a Global Challenge that anyone can join through the app.  Those participating in the challenge will track their active minutes throughout the month. The goal is to end the month with a total of 665 minutes of moderate physical activity.

We call this challenge the Fyt January Journey 🚀 because it is just the beginning of a full year of FREE challenges that will help you build healthy habits and transform your lifestyle in a fun and sustainable way.

We know that many people set goals that include nutrition, so we also want to help you build a healthy foundation with our second challenge: Operation Hydration 💧. The goal is to drink 8 cups of water per day. Drinking enough water each day is a great place to start on the journey of overall better health and nutrition.

Regardless of your resolution, Transformation Series challenges will help you build and maintain a healthy and realistic baseline of wellness and physical activity while you pursue the lifestyle of your dreams. At FytFeed, we are all about embracing the journey of living a healthy and active lifestyle. Through community support, we want the journey to lead people to find activities they genuinely enjoy and have fun doing. We say: “What’s your Y?” because we want you to learn what drives you, and we want to learn with you!

Have a different goal in mind?  You can also set up an individualized challenges through the FytFeed app and invite your friends and share your progress. 

Fyt January Journey: A sustainable foundational fitness challenge to start the New Year.
Click image to go to free challenge!
Operation Hydration: A sustainable foundational challenge to start the New Year.
Click image to go to free challenge!

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